High quality lacquer based paint with a chemical formula and color accuracy superior to other brands in the market.

Flows smoothly in an airbrush; adheres to the surface and dries perfectly with a soft finish. Holds firmly all kind of weathering products.

May be diluted with RC701/RC702 High Compatibility Thinner or other thinners intended for lacquer based paints.

Used as a basic camouflage color of British Army vehicles finished in the Caunter Scheme. This camouflage pattern had been applied in the Middle East/North Africa from July 1940 until October 1941.
From October 1941 until October 1942 used as the basic overall color of British Army vehicles in North Africa, although area and regional commands were allowed to add disruptive colors.
From 1945 again used as a basic overall color for British Army vehicles deployed in North Africa and Middle East, with Deep Bronze Green being added as a disruptive color for vehicles used in the Persian Gulf region by 1962.
From 1972 used as a base color of BATUS vehicles.
Also commonly used as the basic color of army vehicles during the 1990-1991 Gulf War and 2003 Iraq War.
One of the upper surface colors of Syrian MiG-17F and MiG-21 fighters from the late 1960s (after the Six Day War) until early 1970s.